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The Euro-Mediterranean Network of Economic Studies - EMNES provides an effective and dynamic network for researchers and economists of the region. It plays an important role in drawing policy implications for the region
Aya ElewaEMNES Fellow Researcher, Economics PhD -
EMNES genuinely brings together senior and junior researchers from countries on both shores of the Mediterranean, something having entailed a number of challenges in the process of building the network but that represents an opportunity of the utmost importance in a region where the youth has been all too often excluded from the formulation and implementation of policies, which in turn proved to be mutually beneficial for the countries involved only to a certain extent
Emanuele SessaEMNES Assistant Scientific Coordinator -
Euro Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies is not only a network that provides high quality policy relevant research, it is a tool for empowering young multi-disciplinary researchers in the Mediterranean region, especially females
Racha RamadanAssistant Professor - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Cairo University -
EMNES for me is not just the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies but it is more about: Embracing innovative approaches in research, Monitoring economic policies, Networking with a brilliantly diversified team, Empowering young economists and Strengthening research capacities. I am really lucky to be part of this network and I do really hope it will last as long as we are able to produce sound and policy-relevant research
Chahir ZakiAssociate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University