CALL FOR PAPERS: Towards an inclusive socio-economic model in the Mediterranean – EMNES


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CALL FOR PAPERS: Towards an inclusive socio-economic model in the Mediterranean


Aim and topics

In the aftermath of the 2011 Arab uprisings in the southern and eastern Mediterranean, the region has reached a turning point in its history, presenting as many opportunities as challenges. The Arab world embarked on a transition process of varying magnitudes, whose outcome will be determined by the interaction between a number of economic, political, socio-cultural and geopolitical factors calling both on governments and external actors to design and implement new and specific strategies able to cope with the new realities unfolding in the region.

External actors – notably the EU, which has a role to play as the key economic partner of the region – are expected to rethink their policies towards the region as past political choices proved to be suboptimal to steer the region into a sustainable future.

Most of the research produced on the south-Mediterranean countries before the 2011 uprising failed to reveal the growing socio-economic tensions, hampered by inefficiency and low productivity, inadequate institutional capacity, market fragmentation and lack of integration, below-potential foreign direct investments and weak contribution of small and medium enterprises. This situation led to persistently high levels of unemployment, especially among the youth including most notably the educated ones, combined with increasing inequality, which turned to become the seeds of revolts and revolutions.

The EMEA-EMNES call for papers is targeted to academic researchers, economists and policy experts to present their research and discuss innovative ideas to enhance the policy debate about the fundamentals of an inclusive and sustainable development and growth models that create employment and enhance social inclusion, especially among the youth.

We welcome theoretical and empirical economic and policy contributions on this topic and other related topics of interest in economics and policy.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The political economy of institutions, dynamics of institutional reforms, and the role of the state in economic governance, employment creation and inclusive economic development. Papers that combine quantitative and qualitative analysis, including those that employ formal game theoretic models as part of “analytic narratives”, are particularly welcome under this topic;
  • Private sector development, micro, small and medium enterprises, with a focus on entrepreneurship, social and cooperative business, employment, informality and emerging global value chains;
  • Human capital development through education, skill mismatch, return on education, employment for youth and women;
  • Economics of migration, links with labour markets;
  • Economies in transition, inter-linkages between economic, social and political factors;
  • Macroeconomic policies, socio-economic prosperity and employment creation;
  • Financial development and inclusive growth;
  • Regional integration, economic liberalization policies and employment and Euro-Mediterranean partnership;